Live, or story, quests – this entertainment, which has developed, unlike real-life quests, not due to the popularity of computer games, but because of the development of parlor games, such as “Mafia”.

Imagine that you have a planned birthday, wedding, corporate party, and you want to surprise a crowd of guests something other than traditional buffets and competitions. Here comes to your aid live quest: a game that is not limited to the format of “leave the room”, because you can play in any cafe, anticafe, loft or banquet hall.

The leader of the live quest distributes the roles and objectives of the quest to each participant, for example, you become the king, who by the end of the game bloody need to marry a princess, or the sheriff, whose main goal is to find criminals and uncover conspiracies.

Imagine a detective story in which you and your friends are the main characters. The decorative elements of clothing and the refusal to call each other “normal”, non-game names will help you immerse yourself in the story. After that a few hours of fascinating communication await you, during which you will find out which of the game’s characters is your ally and which cannot be trusted.

Also, companies engaged in live quests, hold open games: in this case, you do not need to gather a dozen and a half like-minded people yourself, just register for one of the upcoming games.

Live, or story, quest – an opportunity to spend time and celebrate an important event in a very large (up to 200 people) the company, investigating intricate case or unraveling the tangle of intrigue in a pleasant relaxed holiday atmosphere.